Reporters, Not recorders

After reading this lovely article by Kelley Lord wherein she describes the struggles associated with her experiences as a server in a cruel world, I was inspired to come up with a similar list, but having to do with stenographers, of course! I realize that stenographers are a fairly esoteric bunch — “misunderstood” doesn’t even begin to cover it. So it seemed to be a fitting theme for a blog post. As a disclaimer, I’m writing this from the viewpoint of a realtime captioner. Court reporters work under slightly different circumstances and I won’t delve really into the differences.

Without further ado, Reporters, Not Recorders: 5 Things Your Stenographer Wished You Knew

1. Don’t call what we do “typing.”

Many people make the false assumption that what we’re doing behind our funky little keyboards is essentially listening carefully and “typing” what we hear. Easy, right? In reality, it is far more complex. Typing involves recalling a word’s spelling, tapping out the correct sequence of letters, hitting the space bar and shift keys occasionally, and managing to not get your thumbs lodged in your anus during said process. God help you if you happen to spill your coffee in your lap and you have to backspace the mistakes you made while fumbling, trying to pick your doughnut up off the floor.

chocolate frosted sprinkle doughnut
Bitch, I will ruin you.

Now as stenographers, we don’t have time to drop our doughnuts or make errors as our job requires us to keep up with somebody else’s speech. That changes the paradigm a bit since now, you’re not only having to get it all down correctly the first time, but you’re having to do it as fast as somebody who isn’t you decides to deliver it. Not to mention, the process of writing steno requires that we hear a phrase, break it down to its constituent words, recall the corresponding shorthand outlines (which look like gibberish to you normal folk), execute those outlines with nearly 100% precision on a completely unique keyboard layout in order for the computer to correctly match them against our personal dictionaries, all at around speeds of two to five syllables per second. This is how it looks in action. We press multiple keys at once to capture handfuls of phonemes at a time, forming entire syllables every time we press down. There is no magic auto-correct or any form of predictive entry, auto-complete, Siri voodoo nonsense. Some modern steno software have algorithms that will try to guess, phonetically or statistically, how sloppy or otherwise malformed steno should have translated but worthy stenographers cannot and do not rely on this. Good realtime (instantly readable, machine-translated steno) is the product of quick and nearly perfect recollection and execution of the entries in one’s personal dictionary. I liken our job to sitting in front of a piano and having someone constantly put new pieces you’ve never seen before in front of you, demanding you play them at full concert speed with 99% accuracy. The preferred terms when referring to a working stenographer are “writing” (from “writing shorthand”) or “stenoing.” So please don’t refer to what we do as “typing” as it would be a shame if you were to trip and fall over a strategically misplaced piece of equipment before the end of the proceeding.

Steno Tripod
Oh, how did THAT get there?

2. We’re not robots and we’re not psychic.

As Dee Boenau puts it, “we [stenographers] have to be very worldly” in that our work requires us to competently take down conceivably any topic thrown at us. We’ll try our best if you unexpectedly delve into the works of Feyerabend, discuss the plausibility of a working Alcubierre Drive, or on a whim, prattle your way into Sorites’ Paradox, GroEL/GroES, the P1-N1-P2 complex, maybe the historical significance of Nyan Cat, or the current exchange rate of the Dogecoin. But we can’t know everything all the time and the occasional error is bound to happen. And although most of us practically become walking, breathing encyclopedic databases of random knowledge over a career span, realize that we are still not Watson and giving us a list of key terms beforehand is immensely helpful. You see, what we stenographers do is we program shortcuts into our steno lexicons in advance so that we can pop out anticipated phrases or terminology quickly, usually via a single-stroke shortcut that we come up with on the spot. So even for what seems “basic” to you, giving us a heads-up for little things like, “Oh, by the way, Jacqui sitting on the left spells her name J-A-C-Q-U-I and her last name is Kaminsky” or “We’re going to be talking a lot about indigenous fauna, like x, x, and x” takes a HUGE load off our shoulders as we can then go ahead and redefine our steno outline for “Jackie” to render with her preferred spelling and quickly stick in briefs for “indigenous” and “fauna” to have on hand as they come up. It just makes things go a lot smoother for us. As the person who makes your dialogue magically appear in text form next to your PowerPoint for everyone to see, I have a lot of power. But with great power comes great responsibility and I will thrust part of that responsibility onto you, speaker and/or event organizer, of ensuring the captioner is informed of any tricky names or terminology. If we flub something due to your failure to inform us and something funny goes up on the big screen, I’m just going to go ahead and say, “Nice job, idiot. It’s all your damn fault.” ;]

“I would like to introduce our next speaker, Mr. Alzharhadknyzy Blarkobinislklemigojkdiekfsdfmdo-Wilson-Mendoza-Flipabopopeekeeprlfperopoopydoo.”

3. Stop talking over each other!

I have a little exercise for you. Type me a verbatim transcript of this eight-second audio clip taken from a VSauce video.

Got it? Cool. Assuming you have normal hearing, a working short-term memory, can type, have a computer that can play the clip, and understand English, it shouldn’t be too difficult.

Now transcribe this one.

Wasn’t that fun? Now imagine doing that for two hours.

One at a time or I torch this mother to the ground with your motor mouth in it, k? Thx.

Queen knows what's up
Her Maj knows what’s up.

4. Remember to breathe and enunciate.

The average, non-cocaine-abusing English speaker speaks at a rate of around 150-180 WPM. 180 WPM sounds like a pretty comfortable pace to most native speakers. The baseline requisite speed to become a certified stenographer in the United States is generally set at 225 WPM for English at 95% accuracy. The best of us can go much higher than that, sometimes exceeding 300 or more WPM in bursts. So, yes, as licensed stenographers, we are trained to go FAST. But please, give us a break and slow down once in a while. Maybe add in some tasteful pauses?

Now I understand it isn’t easy to change your speaking habits. I find that most speakers are completely unaware that the way they speak is, well, really quick, and that they’ve had their foot planted firmly on the stenographer’s submerged head for the past two hours. And even after a polite reminder to maybe slow down, most people relapse after about ten minutes and it gets awkward having to repeatedly remind people to monitor their speech as people tend to become very self-conscious. So if you could maybe remember this and possibly, pretty please, with a cherry on top kick it down two notches and try to make an effort to keep it there? But more than just unrelenting speed, the number one thing that makes me want to drown the speaker I’m taking down in the river of blood from my rage-induced fit of harakiri is mumbling. I can go fast but if I have to strain to understand what you’re saying, those split seconds of hesitation add up and REALLY make it a struggle for me to maintain a rhythm. Oh, and if you’re talking so fast that you start mumbling because you physically can’t pronounce the words that quickly without getting your tongue caught in the ceiling fan? Yeah, I hope as you’re drowning in that river of blood, you trip over the strategically-misplaced tripod into a bed of rusty nails covered in cat urine.

your presentation
This is how I would describe your public speaking style.

5. A little acknowledgement never hurt.

Please, do take the time to talk to us. We’re friendly, most of the time and — surprise! — people, too. After working behind the scenes for so long, Norma and I were really spoiled by you wonderful folks at SRCCON. It was a welcome and unexpected novelty as stenographers to be put front and center for the entirety of the conference. We really appreciated it and we joked amongst ourselves that our heads would never return to normal size. But really, just asking how we’re doing or if there is anything you could do to help make our lives easier is appreciated. We don’t ask for much. Give me a comfortable, armless chair, an extension cord, and maybe a few snacks and we good. Anything beyond that is extra but for us stenographers, the distance between “apathetic” to “LOVING YOU” is small and any effort on your part will win us over and cause us to casually kick that tripod back under the table :].

5 Things New York City Has Taught Me

As a disclaimer, I’d like to first say that despite the descriptions of my experiences that, at times, could be interpreted as sounding negative or tragic, that overall, my new life in the City has been overwhelmingly positive. This is just my overly frank analysis of my circumstances as I am apt to do with all things.

Wahington Square by Night
Washington Square by Night


Five Things New York City Has Taught Me: A Six Month Reflection

(As a twentysomething, recent inductee into the NYC scene)

1. You will meet people in the most random places.

It’s true. It’s logical that in a city of 8 million, it’s bound to happen. But I am continually surprised by how people I run into at the gym, the park, the club, on Tinder, or on my way to the subway unknowingly and suddenly become permanent fixtures in my life. Take advantage of it and keep yourself open. You never know what can happen.

2. Life will pass you by if you don’t look up.

Despite how horrible sometimes it can be not having an excuse to avoid awkward eye contact during the moments we’re all trapped inside a steel tube, crammed inches from each other’s armpits, sometimes I find it beneficial that most of the time on the New York Subway, there is no mobile phone reception. For a guaranteed few minutes every day I am forced to be in the present, be it trying to figure out what language the passengers across the car are speaking or witnessing a drunken tragedy unfold before my eyes, the only things with which I have contact are those of the immediate present. All too often I have observed people living their lives completely oblivious to the fact they live in this great city, unable to take pleasure in really anything. I understand that a large portion of twentysomethings move here for the expressed purpose of complicating their lives in pursuit of their ideals of becoming the archetypal fast-paced New Yorker busybody that everyone needs at all hours of the day but nowhere, I feel, is a higher sense of awareness more beneficial, or even requisite than when living in a place like this. Unless you can step back and detach, the City will suck you in and put you in a sensory coma. Instead of silently bitching to yourself how shitty the MTA is every time your train is late, why not take a moment and look at your surroundings. Has it even crossed your mind how much history and engineering had to have to come before your being able to stand there, pissed that the E is taking forever at rush hour? But I guess if you’re legitimately about to be late for something, fuming and seething with frustration is the most appropriate response. Still though, New York is fucking awesome. These moments will make up an amazing chapter in your life. Don’t let them slip away unnoticed.

3. If you haven’t already mastered self-restraint, you will learn the hard way.

In a city where time is relatively scarce, and where you can’t walk a block without passing by a restaurant, a bar, a shop or four by the time you reach the next intersection, if it isn’t the variety, the accessibility will test your self-restraint to its limit. Then throw in your revolving circle of acquaintances who all invite you to happy hour at all hours of the day, who the hell wants to stay in and cook? For about a month and a half of living here, I only ate out or ordered Seamless out of convenience. But now, I eat out maybe once a day if it’s a particularly long day out and about working. On weekends, you will face an unyielding barrage of temptations to go out. Well, this depends on the people with whom you tend to associate but for me, as someone who exists in the overlap of both the EDM and gay scenes, the allure is particularly unrelenting. If it isn’t a favorite DJ, it’s your bar/club buddies who cordially request your presence in becoming shitfaced. Going into it knowing you don’t live in a world with unlimited resources is a good start, lest you wake up one morning to check your bank account in horror after you’ve finished puking up all the pills and shots from the night before.

4. You will become acutely aware of rude or inconsiderate behavior and may become more considerate as a result.

What I’m thinking as a New Yorker:

  • That person walking super slowly in front of me with a million bags weaving left and right: What the fuck is this fucking bitch doing? EITHER MOVE THE FUCK OVER OR LET’S GO.
  • That person who’s smoking next to me, conveniently located where the wind will blow it all in my face: At least your stupid ashtray cuntface is gonna die early. Seriously, fuck you.
  • This person who is deafening me with their furious honking because they decided to go right before the light changed and is now gridlocked: Hey, dickcheese, not my problem you’re now blocking all of 6th Avenue, so shut the fuck up you fucking piece of Jersey shit.

Makes sense since we New Yorkers are so constantly rude, right? Not so fast. Basically, it comes down to the fact that since we’re all so tightly packed together, any act performed on your part without due regard will affect at minimum, the ten people immediately around you. And so it’s not that New Yorkers are rude, as conventional wisdom may imply. In fact, people who actually live in the City are quite pleasant to be around because they understand the unwritten code of urban living. Those who live here understand how to navigate tight spaces without getting in the way and, in public, behave in a way that maximizes efficiency given the limitations in real estate and time. Be swift and move confidently. If you fuck something up, most New Yorkers will smile and won’t think anything of it if you apologize. Act obnoxiously, and prepare to be shoved, knocked in the shoulder, eye-rolled, scoffed, or even yelled at. Oh, and if you hold a subway door, be prepared to have your arm chopped off.

5. You will learn who your true friends are and will value your time with them more than ever.

I saved this one for last because despite the blissful optimism I look to New York City as this new chapter of my life unfolds, this is the one theme I longingly look behind to my days in Seattle with stinging nostalgia.

Since I moved to New York, my social network has exploded and yet, there has never been a time I’ve felt more alone as I have felt here. Part of it has to do with the actual literal geography that separates me from my family and friends from earlier times. As a native west coaster, I’ve never in my life been so far from my roots. But a big part of it, I notice, comes from just the pace of NYC and the culture of social interaction here. I dub New York City, The City of Acquaintances, as they seem to abound in every sphere of my life — acquaintances who will drink with me, go out with me, have cursory conversations with me over brunch or over Facebook or text. We will party, share stories like friends, and at least superficially, appear to share a bond not unlike a “friendship.” Yet at the end of the designated social gathering of sorts, we part, never to talk to each other except on occasion to plan the next designated social gathering, or at the next gathering itself. They are context dependent colleagues, like actors in a play if these social gatherings were shows. Certain people to go out with, certain people to have midday lunch with, people to meet for dinner, people to work with, people to fuck, people to go shopping with. Like in a play, everyone is assigned a specific role. Once the show is over, the characters bow, and the setting dissolves into no more until the next one.

Why is this so hard here? You know, having true friends who will tag along to dinner with a last minute text. The ones who will show up drenched at your door to console you when it’s pouring outside after some boy rained all over your heart. The ones who, with nothing better to do will stay in, bake cookies with you, get hammered, play video games, and call it a great night. The ones who will turn up with you at a rave but will leave with you if you were having a bad time no matter how much they were into it. The ones who keep your toothbrush and deodorant at their place because you stay over so much. The ones who will stay up talking with you all night and leave at 3:00 in the morning on a Sunday night. The ones who will sit in front of you at a coffee shop somewhere with their laptop, while each of you do your own thing. Yet both parties feel a sense of comfort and satisfaction as a result of the other’s presence. The ones who buy you presents for no reason. The ones who don’t flip endlessly through all their acquaintances whom they could avail when deciding who will best fit the role for “friend” at this particular free moment. The ones who don’t need a plan to be available. The ones, who in the absence (or abundance) of pretty much anything else, will default to you.

While most of the time efficiency is the way to go in New York City, this is a huge exception. I admit that having associates for every particular occasion, and only that occasion is convenient and logical when faced with a seemingly endless revolving door of people coming in and out of your life in a city as big as this one. It takes time and resources, both of which the majority of people here guard fiercely with miserly custody, to invest in somebody when the possibility looms that at any given moment you could find somebody with higher social capital: Better looking, more affluent, funnier, better connected. But I urge you, New York, this is not the way to go. I’m not sure if this is due to a difference between the coasts or maybe even a difference between making friends as a college student versus as a working professional but as far as I’m concerned, New York has taught me that perhaps the very definition of “friendship” may not be universal. And I’m sure you can imagine what my dating life must be like here if you extrapolate what I said above re merely finding friends.

But actually, I think what New York has taught me about intimacy is that no matter what, in the end you have to be okay with yourself. Because no matter what happens around you, or who comes into your life or departs, even if no one fulfills your definition of what a friendship/relationship is or even wants to, as long as you can stand strong by yourself, you’ll be okay.

And even though I’m still waiting to have here what I had in Seattle, that’s okay because until I do, I have me.

Can’t Sleep

Normally I don’t take articles from too seriously but this one hit home in a special way. So. Fucking. Spot. On.

5 Awful Side Effects of Insomnia No One Talks About

You see, I have insomnia.

Most of the time when I tell people I’ve gotten maybe 12 hours of sleep the entire week, they probe me for explanations or simply tell me to just go to bed earlier. Or maybe, try stretching, yoga, chamomile tea, melatonin, warmed milk. Whatever they suggest I do, I probably tried it last night. Sometimes they offer me empathy.

“Yeah, a couple nights ago I had really bad insomnia. Like, I got three hours of sleep and work sucked ass the next day.”

“Well, how do you feel now?” – I ask.

Oh, I came home and took a nap for, like, two hours, had dinner, then went back to sleep until morning.”

Lucky you.

Is it really that easy for everyone else? Is that why they make fun of me or react with disbelief when I tell them that I normally sleep for 10-12 hours each day on the weekends, normally not waking until about 3:00 pm?

Try having it be a daily struggle.

Endless tossing until 5:00 in the morning, feeling overheated and antsy. Take the covers off and you’re too cold. Pull the blanket back on and you dampen the sheets with your own sweat. No matter how you turn, shuffle, or contort your body, there’s somehow always an itch, a twitch, a weird pain somewhere just annoying enough to compel you to flip, waking yourself up all over again.

Sitting upright at 4:00, feeling partially defeated, wondering if it would be worth it to try taking another sleeping pill or to pull another swig even after having slept just four hours the night before.

“Oh, you get to wake up at 9?  That’s must be so nice!”

Not if you’ve been passing out moments before sunrise in a chemically-induced haze for the third time this week. Why? I don’t fucking know. I really never know or can control when my body feels like sleeping or being wide awake and anything that happens to me before 1:00 pm is pretty much miserable – a blur of resentment, nausea, inability to focus on anything for more than two minutes, and wondering why the fuck this bitch talking to me right now is so damn energetic. IT’S 8:30 IN THE FUCKING MORNING. I SHOULD BE IN BED RIGHT NOW. STOP TALKING TO ME.

And truthfully for the four to five nights of the week I do manage to achieve some semblance of somnolence, I don’t “sleep” as much as pass the fuck out from complete exhaustion, and, oh, mixing sleeping pills with alcohol. I lay helpless and distraught. I have no control over my own body. How is it that I just took six sleeping pills and yet feel nothing?

I grab my phone and check the time.

“I have to be up in four hours”

I check Facebook.

“I have to be up in 3 hours”

I check Instagram, OkCupid, Tinder, okay, Facebook again. A round of Angry Birds? PvZ? What the fuck am I doing?

“Fuck, I have to be up in an hour!”

At a certain point I know I’ve lost.

“Fuck it. Just fuck it.”

I arduously crank the knobs in the shower wanting to die.

On nights like these, I think about Michael Jackson – how he abused propofol until he basically put himself to sleep forever. And then I imagine how handy it must have been to have such a high-powered general anesthetic like that on hand, fantasizing about using it on myself with the same ardor and titillation a bullied kid might daydream of the day he finally brings a gun to school.

Bedtime for me is a time of anxiety, uncertainty, and ultimately, dread.

Save the odd night or two, you lie down most nights and simply drift off without thought.

That, my friend is a luxury.

You don’t fucking have insomnia.

By Popular Demand: How I Got Into Stenography

This post was originally my response to an email I received regarding teaching oneself steno. I figured it was about time I write the whole story in one place so I can stop telling the same story over and over again and also because I owe Mirabai my “How Plover Ignited My Career in Professional Stenography” article I’ve promised her for, I think, two years now. 😛

The original email asked:

I’m really interested in learning to caption, and would like to hear how you taught yourself because I could sure skip the $$$ of court reporting school/courses at this point in my life.  I also have a linguistics background and wonder how much that might help?  How much time did you spend at it, etc.

My response:

I’m glad you are looking into teaching yourself steno.  I am currently mentoring a friend who lives near me in learning machine shorthand. She, too, recently acquired a machine and wants to teach herself.

Getting Started/Plover

I started my journey learning stenography by teaching myself Gregg shorthand in university and got really fast at it in a very short amount of time. This was strictly for the purpose of keeping up with instructors in class when taking notes. When I took computer programming, there were actually multiple deaf students in the class because it was for the Summer Academy, a sort of grant-funded scholarship sort of program whereby the UW will let deaf or hard of hearing students take classes for free at UW related to tech and engineering. We had a captioner in every class hooked up to a projector and for the longest time I was in awe and had no idea how the system worked until I finally went up to the prof and asked how in the world could every word he uttered in class (along with every word uttered by the students in the class) go up in real-time on the screen.

“She’s doing it,” the professor says while glancing at the little lady sitting at the front I hadn’t noticed until then. She had a very strange-looking keyboard on her lap and I was fascinated, watching her effortlessly make a few taps that would expand into entire sentences at lightning speed on the screen. I eventually went up to her and asked how she operated that machine.  So she then goes into machine shorthand and asks me if I’ve ever heard of pen shorthand.  I don’t think she expected me to know what it was much less witness me whip out my notebook covered in Gregg and boast I could spit it out at 110 WPM after a couple months of self-study.  She told me what she’s doing is just like Gregg and from that point on, I wanted to know more. I researched and found Glen’s website and Plover, a free, open-source stenography software that lets you steno using a gaming keyboard created by a brilliant team consisting of my stenographer friend and colleague in NYC, Mirabai Knight and software developers, Joshua Lifton and Hesky Fisher. As soon as I learned enough to get a few words up on the screen, it was all downhill from there (or “uphill?”) and I kept practicing on the gaming keyboard for fun and looking up any words I didn’t know how to steno in Mirabai’s stock dictionary.

Acquiring Professional Equipment and Software

I soon got my own Gemini machine from eBay for about 100 bucks and started practicing. I used it for everything – taking notes in class (yes, I lugged it around with me) to just playing around, listening to the TV, getting down as much as I could.  At that point, I had downloaded DigitalCAT, a proprietary CR software whose company, Stenovations, offers freely for use by students of stenography.  I would divide my time between ling classes and trying to incorporate steno into my routine as much as possible (writing essays, emails, etc.).

Steno Theory

Stenovations has a variety of starter dictionaries for download on their download page.  I started with StenED as it was a theory I had seen mentioned online all the time, but quickly learned how stroke intensive it was. I switched to Phoenix, characterized by its vowel omission principle, the fact that all schwas were written with “U,” and its overall strict adherence to phonetic rules because in my mind, it seemed logical and facilitated “less thinking and more doing.”  Well, that did turn out to be the case but not necessarily in a positive way. It was way too clunky and laborious for me. Having to write everything out in 3-4 strokes gets old fast. Granted, I could’ve just refined and modified Phoenix like some of my colleagues have to make it more efficient and usable (Jade King being a notable example), but in the end, I personally didn’t like it.  And since I’m the only one who will be writing whatever theory I learn for the length of my career, to hell with it. So I scrapped it altogether.


  • Vowel omission principle: You omit vowels in sequential multi-stroke words, the idea being that it’s one less thing to worry about.  So a word like “inhospitable” would be written something like TPH/HOS/P-T/-BL instead of TPH/HOS/PEUT/*ABL or something.
  • Schwas written as U: Vowels that are unstressed are typically pronounced as an indistinct schwa sound in English. If you have to stop for a second to remember the spelling of a word, it might cause you to hesitate. By writing ALL schwas as U, you no longer have to worry about the exact identities of the vowels on the fly as in other more commonly orthography-based theories.

I finally switched to Philly Clinic Theory ’cause I heard it’s what Mark K. wrote before he, through his interpretation of it, made it into Magnum. Now, I write a combo of both Philly and Magnum but they draw on each other because Magnum is basically the principles of Philly modified somewhat and cracked out on briefs. Since I learned Philly, I often find that when I think of a brief for something and check Mark’s Magnum dictionary to see what he uses, I find we come up with the same answer independently all the time.  But a lot of people tell me I “think” like Mark so it could be that. But based on my own introspect, I know I can memorize arbitrary sound combos (and movements as is the case when I started learning ASL) with ease and assign them meaning.  I very seldom need a mnemonic or memory trick to make it stick. I say a lot of my being able to subconsciously remember thousands of briefs with little effort comes from my experience in being/trying to maintain (my status as) a polyglot having honed my brain to that kind of thinking for practically my entire life.

As far as Phoenix goes, I don’t like it.  I like very short, efficient theories like Philly Clinic, or Magnum.  I don’t know how your brain works, but like I said, I know how mine does.  I can make random briefs here and there, do them once or twice during a job, and remember them all correctly at speeds upwards of 280 words per minute a year later.  There’s no secret to that, either; it just happens for me.  If it doesn’t for you, then you should consider maybe learning a longer theory with less of a memory load.  I’m saying this with the assumption in mind that you don’t want to take forever before you start working.

A linguistic background may help you in that you were probably taught to be more descriptive and not as prescriptive like 99.99% of CRs are.  I feel I spend less time agonizing over why somebody keeps using this verb wrong or doesn’t use the subjunctive than most other reporters because I don’t care.  As such, I do not correct speakers when I write their speech.  I only care about accurately portraying their utterances in text form, not whether or not it is correct prescriptive American English.  I think being a polyglot or bilingual would help much more, especially for when you hear random words that are not English.  A ling background also helps when I hear “post-alveolar affricate” in a ling class, but I know that wasn’t your question.  It might also help you find patterns in how theories smoosh words, or syllables rather, into the rather small phonetic/phonemic template you have to work with on the steno machine.

As far as equipment all you really need is a machine that can output to a computer, either by serial connection, USB, or some other protocol.  I mostly input my steno via Bluetooth at all times currently.  Also, you will need some CAT software.  CAT stands for computer-aided translation.  It’s the program you run on your computer that takes the the steno input, compares it against your dictionary(ies), and outputs the text on the screen.  You can use Plover as you’re starting out.  Though, it’s grown to become quite powerful now, and I actually use it on some jobs where Eclipse would be too slow, or somehow otherwise unsuitable for the task.  I foresee it becoming sophisticated enough to be used professionally all the time in the near future.  There’s a job for which I’ve used Plover exclusively because their captioning system is not very good and requires the user to input the text directly into a box in a web browser and to press the enter key every line or so. Eclipse tends to be very slow at outputting to Windows and also formats things in strange, unpredictable ways when using its text output feature so I always go with Plover. In the future, I’ll probably be using Plover exclusively as professional software once it gains a couple key features.

Advice For Teaching Oneself Steno

The only advice that I can really give you is find as many ways to incorporate steno into what you do every day.  People often ask me how I learned so fast, and how I was able to do it even though there are hundreds of steno students still in school for years and years while I step up to an invite to attempt the Guinness at the NCRA Convention after having only three years of experience from start to present learning/practicing stenography.  I never took theory so basically I looked under “Stenotype” on Wikipedia and taught myself the substitution combos from their list and just found the stock dictionary off of DigitalCAT’s website and one-by-one went, “How do you write ‘rabbit’ in steno?” Or “couch,” or “chair,” or, “girder,” or “cell,” or, “chapel.”  I kept doing that until I saw patterns and it all fell together in place.  Also, I did quite a bit of poking around in my CAT software, just to see, “Ooh, what does this button do?”  After that, it’s all about meticulous homing in on what your weaknesses are, and practicing the shit out of them, going through your dictionary and adding entries that you’re unsure if you have have or not.  But most important is to keep practicing, practicing, practicing, and never giving up.  Getting angry that something in a passage tripped you up, practicing it and/or briefing it, and coming back and killing it.  Do that enough and you get good very fast.  The biggest fault I see in today’s court reporting education is its seemingly complete inability to equip their students with the tools necessary to evaluate their own progress.  CR students constantly ask others what they’re doing wrong, asking whether what they’re doing is right, when the answers lie right there in their steno notes.  You just have to rifle through and find for yourself what you’re doing right and what you’re screwing up.  Yeah, it sucks to have to go back and figure out what exactly you got wrong, compare your transcript to what it’s supposed to be, and rote drill the living crap out of whatever it was you got wrong.  But it’s the only way.  Again, there is no secret.  Or maybe it’s the students themselves, I don’t know.  But what I do know is far too many bash away at the machine doing the same thing over and over thinking that they’re going to get far through sheer amount of time racked up behind the machine.  Not true.

Some instrumentalists end up playing in Carnegie Hall, while most of them either don’t have the discipline necessary, don’t want to put in the effort, or don’t have the right innate talent.  Even for those who truly, truly WANT to do steno or play an instrument professionally, they may not possess the willpower that matches their desire to cross the finish line, however burning it may be.  Some may put in the same amount of hours but never achieve the level of refinement of Mr. Carnegie Concert Cellist over here simply because he/she is not naturally suited for music.  Life isn’t fair.  Moreover, it could be any combination of the reasons I mentioned above that bar most players from attaining concert status (or in our case, from becoming professional, realtime stenographers) plus a myriad of other possible just “life” circumstances so it’s hard to answer the question why certain people progress faster than others.

So many people ask me, “What was your secret?”  “What was your regimen?”  “How did you practice?”  “How many times a day did you practice?” ” How many hours did you practice?”  I say, “2-4 hours a day maybe?  Sometimes up to 12 hours?”  “I don’t know, sometimes less.”  “Sometimes, I didn’t practice at all.”  “Most of the time I practiced to random shit I found on the Internet.”  Then they’re confused ’cause to them it doesn’t make sense that someone who, in their eyes has achieved a great deal can be so unstructured and la-de-da.  It’s because I’ve learned to find the exact things I need to work on, and work on them.  If I’m already writing pretty cleanly at 180, why the hell would I keep doing takes at 180 for “accuracy?”  I’m going to take that 190, 200, 225 head-on and kick it in the shins as hard as I can even though I’m still a foot too short.  My time is limited.  There are too many EDM festivals to go to, too many cities and lights to see, too many people to meet out there for me to sit here and waste away my numbered mortal hours being pre-employable.

But what if I have a husband?  Or a Dog?  Or children?  Or a fulltime job?

Also, I remind people that they have to take into account that I’m not married, I don’t have children, I lived at home with my parents while I was practicing to become certified, and had no other job besides to practice.  I believe that contributed greatly to the speed with which I went pro.  People ask me what I would have done if I had children, or a job, or a house mortgage to pay, or whatever.  I say, I don’t know because right now, I live in a studio apartment in the middle of the city by myself, and am living a pretty 20s sort of lifestyle.

I’ve never had that lifestyle, and I probably won’t have it for a long time.  I knew going in that I had the time and the resources to be able to do this both intellectually and materially.  Some people go in, and complain that they don’t have enough time to get in their practice because of husband, familial obligations, and “stuff.”  So many students are begging for any help they can get, lamenting that they’ve tried everything and are either progressively slipping further and further into debt or are already so broke, they don’t know if they can afford yet another semester.  This will sound harsh but at a certain point, one needs to make a judgment call, cut one’s losses, and realize it’s time to move on.

To me it was an easy answer.  I knew could get certified without the structure of school because I know I naturally find steno fun, so I didn’t really need something or someone bearing down on me in order to practice.  I would gladly do it on my own accord.  I had my experience of learning Gregg to a usable speed very quickly.  I already knew that I had the mental “arsenal,” so to speak, to tackle this kind of simultaneous translation sort of task.  I used to want to become a pharmacist before I discovered steno.  But at one point in university I made that judgment call – that, no matter how hard I work, I was just not suited mentally for the “lecture, review book, memorize random shit as fast as you can, knowledge-vom on test, rinse and repeat” cycle that a hard science field like pharmacy requires. I also suck royal balls at math, so yeah, no use killing myself trying to work against my programming when I have other talents I could harness.  Like any other trade skill, not everybody has the “machinery” to do steno.  It is why we are able to charge such a pretty fee for our services.  It’s mentally taxing and requires a certain kind of wiring to be able to concentrate that hard for that long, parse speech that quickly, and by drawing from both declarative and procedural memory, convert it into a code that you execute with your hands.  You need to be honest with yourself whether you can really go at this on your own because while it might sound great in principle, once you get to the 120 rut and the 180 rut, you might not have the wherewithal and focus to be able to fight through the discouragement.

So what now?

But my biggest take-away from all of this is just that there’s no secret.  There is really no secret.  There is nothing that I did differently than anyone else to get to where I am, other than maybe being much more critical about my abilities, finding creative ways to eliminate personal deficits by acquiring information on my own, and using the Internet as my resource to learn how to do everything.  Or if there was no direct answer somewhere, deducing it by putting two and two together after researching related topics.

But that’s all I think I have to say for now.

If you want to be a steno autodidact (is that a word?) it pretty much comes down to thinking for yourself and self-motivation.  If some shit ain’t workin’, Google that shit and figure out how to make it work.  It’s really not that hard.  Don’t go looking for the “secret” to gaining speed; you won’t find it.  If you really want something, you’ll find a way.

Good luck!


7 Words that Came About from People Getting Them Wrong

1. PEA

Originally the word was “pease,” and it was singular. (“The Scottish or tufted a good white Pease fit to be eaten.”) The sound on the end was reanalyzed as a plural ‘s’ marker, and at the end of the 17th Century people started talking about one “pea.” The older form lives on in the nursery rhyme “Pease-porridge hot, pease-porridge cold…”


The same thing happened to “cherise” or “cheris,” which came from Old French “cherise” and was reanalyzed as a plural. So the singular “cherry” was born.


“Apron” also came into English from Old French and was originally “napron” (“With hir napron feir..She wypid sofft hir eyen.”) But “a napron” was misheard often enough as “an apron” that by the 1600s the “n” was dropped.


Umpire lost its ‘n’ from the same sort of confusion. It came to English from the Middle French “nonper,” meaning “without peer; peerless” (“Maked I not a louedaye bytwene god and mankynde, and chese a mayde to be nompere, to put the quarel at ende?”) A nompere or an ompere? The n-less form won out.


The confusion about which word the ‘n’ belonged to could end up swinging the other way too. A newt was originally an “ewt” (“The carcases of snakes, ewts, and other serpents.”), but “an ewt” could easily be misheard as “a newt,” and in this case, the ‘n’ left the “an” and stuck to the the “newt.”


The ‘n’ also traveled over from the “an” to stick to “nickname,” which was originally “ekename,” meaning “added name.”


Alligator came to English from the Spanish explorers who first encountered “el lagarto” (lizard) in the New World. While the big lizards were for a time referred to as “lagartos,” the “el” accompanied often enough that it became an inseparable part of the English word.

All example quotes come from the Oxford English Dictionary.


A Review of Text-On-Top/Una Review del sistema Text-On-Top

What is Text-On-Top?

Text-On-Top is a solution for live-captioning presentations, lectures, conferences, and other events where the speaker may use visual media. It is manufactured by the Dutch company Velotype that also produces the Velotype keyboard, a syllabic-orthographic method of text entry. It is used to caption live broadcasts in the Netherlands.

Often in presentation situations, it is cumbersome for individuals who use CART to constantly have to look back and forth between two different screens – one containing the speaker’s PowerPoint presentation, for example, and the one that displays the realtime captioning. Text-On-Top solves this problem by overlaying realtime captioning on the presenter’s visual media so that the text appears at the bottom of the same screen just like closed captioning would on your TV so you don’t need to lug in your own projector or worry about having another display device available.

What’s included in the system?

Text-On-Top includes two USB devices that resemble the form and function of USB flash drives. You plug one into the captioner’s computer and the other into the presenter’s computer and the communicate automatically and wirelessly. Each device consists of 2 GB of internal memory which holds the connection software and the antenna through which the connection is made. As a result, you won’t have to worry about loading the software in advance on the presenter’s laptop as it is built in. A cool thing is each device has a USB port on the other end so that using the device doesn’t deprive you of a precious USB port.

When you plug it in, your computer will recognize it just like a regular ol’ USB disk and so finding and launching the software is pretty straightforward and “plug-and-play” in all respects. It works with both Windows and Mac.

Text-On-Top device on the host computer
Text-On-Top device on the host computer


Text-On-Top device on client computer
Text-On-Top device on client computer


After you open the software on both computers, the rest is pretty much automatic. If you don’t see text coming out on the presenter’s end, make sure your devices are both operating on the same channel. But other than optional settings like text color, position, and size I really had to do nothing else to get them working.

Text-On-Top controls (host)
Text-On-Top controls (host)

It’s not absolutely necessary that you be a stenographer in order to use Text-On-Top. You can just write the text as you normally would on a regular keyboard if you can type fast enough or if the captions don’t need to be 100% verbatim. The software also lets you define keyboard shortcuts for common words and phrases that will expand out to their full forms before being sent out as captions.

Captioner screen
Captioner screen

If you are a stenocaptioner, set your CAT software to output the text to any program and make sure the Text-On-Top program is the active window when you are writing.

Text-On-Top full setup
Text-On-Top full setup

How much is it?

A set of two devices costs €199.00 which for me amounted to $299.00 plus $40.00 for shipping.


I haven’t had a chance to use it on a job yet but as far as I can tell, it looks like a great extra you can offer your clients for group CART situations. I will update you guys as I gain more experience.


¿Qué es Text-On-Top?

Text-On-Top es una solución que te permite mostrar subtítulos durante presentaciones, discursos, u otros escenarios en una manera parecida a Closed Captioning. Está fabricado por la empresa holandesa Velotype que también produce el Velotype, un teclado silábico que se utiliza en los Países Bajos para realizar Closed Captioning en vivo.

La ventaja que te ofrece es el poder mostrar los subtítulos en la misma pantalla que una presentación PowerPoint. En situaciones con múltiples participantes que necesitan CART (transcripción simultánea) ya no hay que traer otro proyector u otro dispositivo de pantalla para el capcionista. Además, los usuarios del servicio ya no tienen que ver saltando entre los subtítulos y la pantalla que contiene los medios visuales del orador. Toda la información audiovisual aparece en una sola ubicación para que todos la accedan fácilmente.

¿En qué consiste el sistema?

El sistema Text-On-Top consiste en dos dispositivos parecidos a memorias USB y se utilizan en casi la misma manera. Se enchufa uno a una puerta USB de la computadora del estenotipista y el otro a la computadora del presentador. Se comunican a través de una conexión inalámbrica. Cada dispositivo está compuesto de la antena transmisora y también 2 GB de memoria interna en la cual reside el software requerido así que no tendrás que cargar el software de antemano en ninguna de las dos computadoras. Al enchufarlo, la computadora lo reconoce como una memoria USB para que accedas el software — es verdaderamente “plug-and-play” y compatible con Windows y Mac.

Text-On-Top enchufado a la computadora del estenotipista
Text-On-Top enchufado a la computadora del estenotipista


Text-On-Top enchufado a la computadora del orador
Text-On-Top enchufado a la computadora del orador

La Operación

Después de abrir el programa en ambas computadoras, el resto se ocurre automáticamente. Si no te sale el texto en la computadora del presentador, aseguráte de que los dos dispositivos están transmitiendo en el mismo canal. Menos los ajustes opcionales como el tamaño, el color y la posición del texto, no hay que hacer nada más.


No es necesario que escribas los subtítulos mediante la estenotipia. Podés ingresar el texto como normal vía un teclado convencional si podés teclear tan rápido para seguir el ritmo del orador o si los subtítulos no necesitan ser textuales. Hay incluso una función que lo hace posible definir atajos del teclado para los términos y frases más frecuentes en un discurso.

Si realizás los subtítulos mediante la estenotipia, tendrás que configurar tu software CAT para que de salida al texto a otros programas y Text-On-Top debe ser la ventana activa.

¿Cuánto cuesta?

Un par de dispositivos cuesta €199,00. Yo los compré por $299,00 + $40,00 por el envío.


Aunque todavía no he utilizado Text-On-Top en una tarea, por lo que me doy cuenta creo que es una buena prestación adicional que podés ofrecer a tus clientes en las situaciones susodichas. Les doy actualizaciónes en cuanto obtenga más experiencia.